Obstetrics: General Information
Having a baby should be a wonderful experience and I feel privileged to be invited to be involved in one of life’s great events. I try to allay anxieties and hope I am a reassuring presence.
Over the years I have dealt with an enormous range of personalities and situations. Each pregnancy and delivery is unique and I do not take a “one size fits all” approach. The emphasis is on safety, but I do try to accommodate individual needs.
Recently, after thousands of deliveries, I have stopped doing private confinements. I can, however, see you for antenatal consultations – in conjunction with Dr Andrew Peng.
My Practice
When you come to see me for obstetric care, your first point of contact is my practice manager, Sarah Beecroft. Sarah and I have been a team for the last twelve years. Sarah is very experienced and has a wealth of knowledge. She can help you with the process of booking at the Mater and can help address any concerns or questions you may have.
Initial questions often relate to fees, insurance, hospital costs, work, travel, diet, exercise, medications and preliminary tests. You can attend for routine visits at either my city rooms (near Martin Place) or at the Mater Clinic in North Sydney. Antenatal classes with midwives take place at the Mater or privately in my rooms.

Sarah can provide a fee schedule and explain any aspects regarding the cost of having a baby with Andrew Peng and I at the Mater. We do make modifications at times, particularly for women who have had babies before, women who have to deal with the tyranny of distance on our big continent and women who are relatively young. Other special circumstances can also be discussed. I will assist Andrew Peng with any caesarean sections at the Mater unless I am out of Sydney.